
Publikatsioonid 2015:


  1. Pille, V.; Tuulik, V.-R.; Saarik, S.; Tint, P.; Vare, T.; Sepper, R.
    (2015). Work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in industrial workers and
    the effect of balneotherapy. Agronomy Research, 13(3), 820 – 828.

  2. Tuulik, V.R.; Pille, V.; Tamm, M.; Tuulik, V.; Tint, P.; Tilk, M.;
    Saarik, S.; Vare, T. (2015). The effect of outpatient mud and
    spa-therapies on the tissue perfusion measured with laser Doppler in
    work related upper extremities overuse syndromes. Boletín de la Sociedad
    Española de Hydrologia Medica, 30(2), 193 – 204.

  3. Tint, P.; Tuulik, V.-R.; Tuulik, V.; Vare, T. (2015). The measurement of
    musculoskeletal overuse syndrome of industrial workers and prevention
    possibilities. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene (8).Oxford University