Mudauuringute andmebaas

172759067.1 KiB7
1972 Humisool Sai Seaduslikuks Ravimiks103.9 KiB9
1972 Uue Ravimi Proovipartii144.7 KiB5
1983 - Järved Ootavad Noorenduskuuri - Kriitikavastus454.9 KiB5
2009 Haapsalu Väikesadamate Laevatee Süvendamise Keskkonnamõju Uuring1.7 MiB1
20602856179.5 KiB5
Abdel-Fattah And Pingitore - 2009 - Low Levels Of Toxic Elements In Dead Sea Black Mud108.5 KiB3
Abdel-Motelib Et Al 2011 Suitability Of A Miocene Bentonite From North Western Desert Of Egypt For473.8 KiB1
Abels Kipnis 1998 Bioclimatology And Balneology In Dermatology143.0 KiB3
Abujeta 200545.9 KiB0
Arab 2010223.4 KiB1
Arab 2012352.9 KiB2
Ardıç Et Al 2007 Effects Of Balneotherapy On Serum IL-1, PGE2 And LTB4 Levels In Fibromyalgia320.7 KiB1
Arro 1993 Kui Terve On Ravimuda776.6 KiB4
Artymuk Et Al 2010 Intravaginal Gel Prepared From Dead Sea Peloid For Treating Luteal-phase Defect99.8 KiB0
Artymuk 2012 Dead Sea Peloid Gel Used Intravaginally Increases Progesterone And Estradiol68.7 KiB1
Baschini Et Al 2010 Suitability Of Natural Sulphur-rich Muds From Copahue (Argentina) For Use As749.4 KiB0
Basili Et Al 2001 Effects Of Mud-pack Treatment On Plasma Cytokine And Soluble Adhesion Molecule80.2 KiB0
Beer Et Al - 2001 - The Effect Of Peat Components On Endocrine And Imm410.0 KiB1
Beer Et Al - 2002 - Isolation Of Biologically Active Fractions From Th117.9 KiB1
Beer Et Al - 2003 - Evaluation Of The Permeation Of Peat Substances Th198.9 KiB0
Beer Et Al 2013 Peloidtherapie566.9 KiB1
Bellometti Et Al - 2002 - Bone Remodelling In Osteoarthrosic Subjects Underg182.3 KiB0
Bellometti Et Al 1997 Mud Pack Therapy In Osteoarthrosis1.1 MiB1
Bender Et Al - 2004 - Hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy, And Spa Treatment In149.5 KiB0
Bender Et Al - 2007 - Effect Of Balneotherapy On The Antioxidant System—72.8 KiB0
Bender Et Al - 2007 - The Effect Of Physical Therapy On Beta-endorphin L230.8 KiB0
Bender Et Al 2005 Hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy, And Spa Treatment In Pain Management171.7 KiB0
Bender Et Al 2008 Balneology Research In Hungary134.8 KiB0
Bender Et Al Evidence-based Hydro- And Balneotherapy In Hungary—a Systematic Review And396.5 KiB1
Benedetti Et Al - 2010 - Biomarkers Of Oxidation, Inflammation And Cartilag158.7 KiB0
Bernacchi Et Al - 1996 - In Vivo Cytogenetic Effects Of Natural Humic Acid339.9 KiB0
Botes Et Al - 2002 - Phase I Trial With Oral Oxihumate In HIV-infected89.1 KiB0
Brefel-Courbon Et Al 2003 Clinical And Economic Analysis Of Spa Therapy In Parkinson's Disease455.1 KiB0
Britschka Et Al - 2007 - The Efficacy Of Brazilian Black Mud Treatment In C342.8 KiB0
Buskila Et Al 2001 Balneotherapy For Fibromyalgia At The Dead Sea69.9 KiB0
Butuzova Et Al 1998 Structure And Properties Of Humic Acids Obtained From Thermo-oxidised Brown Coal521.8 KiB0
Calvo Et Al 2011 Pharmaceutical Ethnobotany In The Riverside Of Navarra (Iberian Peninsula)346.0 KiB0
Cantarini Et Al - 2006 - Therapeutic Effect Of Spa Therapy And Short Wave T353.6 KiB0
Cara Et Al 2000 The Bentonites In Pelotherapy (2)160.0 KiB0
Cara Et Al 2000 The Bentonites In Pelotherapy218.5 KiB0
Caraglia 2005328.9 KiB0
Carretero And Pozo - 2009 - Clay And Non-clay Minerals In The Pharmaceutical I438.7 KiB0
Carretero Et Al 2007 Comparison Of Saponite And Montmorillonite Behaviour During Static And Stirring3.0 MiB0
Carretero Et Al 2010 Mobility Of Elements In Interaction Between Artificial Sweat And Peloids Used1.0 MiB0
Carretero 2002 Clay Minerals And Their Beneficial Effects Upon Human Health113.1 KiB1
Casás Et Al 2011 Specific Heat Of Mixtures Of Bentonitic Clay With Sea Water Or Distilled Water361.1 KiB0
Çelik Karakaya Et Al 2010 Some Properties Of Thermal Muds Of Some Spas In Turkey868.5 KiB0
Chadzopulu Et Al - The Therapeutic Effects Of Mud356.6 KiB0
Cimbiz Et Al - 2005 - The Effect Of Combined Therapy (spa And Physical T122.9 KiB0
Ciprian Et Al - 2011 - The Effects Of Combined Spa Therapy And Rehabilita102.2 KiB0
Codish Et Al - 2003 - Mud Compress Therapy For The Hands Of Patients Wit80.6 KiB0
Codish Et Al - 2005 - Spa Therapy For Ankylosing Spondylitis At The Dead700.4 KiB0
Cozzi Et Al - 2004 - Anti-inflammatory Effect Of Mud-bath Applications157.3 KiB0
Cozzi Et Al - 2007 - Mud-bath Treatment In Spondylitis Associated With108.6 KiB0
Cramer Et Al Thermotherapy Self-treatment For Neck Pain Relief—A Randomized Controlled Trial451.3 KiB0
CustomizedBodyWraps[1]120.2 KiB0
Czech Moor Bath111.4 KiB1
Dönmez Et Al - 2005 - SPA Therapy In Fibromyalgia A Randomised Controll83.5 KiB0
De Zárate Et Al 2010 Measurement Of The Thermal Conductivity Of Clays Used In Pelotherapy By The312.4 KiB0
Dolmaa Et Al - 2011 - Characterization And Organic Compounds In Peloids428.5 KiB1
Dos Santos Et Al - 2007 - Interaction Between Humic Substances And Metallic145.0 KiB1
Dulaymie Et Al 2013 Balneological Study Based On The Hydrogeochemical Aspects Of The Sulfate1.4 MiB0
Eesti Ravimudade Majandamise Juhised53.9 KiB3
El Mouzdahir Et Al 2010 Equilibrium Modeling For The Adsorption Of Methylene Blue From Aqueous183.7 KiB0
Elkayam Et Al - 2000 - Immediate And Delayed Effects Of Treatment At The115.3 KiB0
Evcik Et Al - 2007 - The Efficacy Of Balneotherapy And Mud-pack Therapy166.6 KiB0
Ferreira 2011170.8 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2007 - Effects Of Mud-bath Treatment On Fibromyalgia Pati261.5 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2010 - Effects Of Spa Therapy On Serum Leptin And Adipone55.0 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2010 - Mechanisms Of Action Of Spa Therapies In Rheumatic265.5 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2010 - Short-and Long-term Effects Of Spa Therapy In Knee55.2 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2011 - Efficacy Of Balneotherapy On Pain, Function And Qu193.1 KiB0
Fioravanti Et Al - 2012 - Fibromyalgia Syndrome And Spa Therapy321.9 KiB0
Forestier And Françon - 2008 - Crenobalneotherapy For Limb Osteoarthritis System278.7 KiB0
Fraioli Et Al - 2010 - A Study On The Efficacy Of Treatment With Mud Pack82.9 KiB0
Füüsikaliste Ravifaktorite Met Juh364.2 KiB1
Gaál Et Al - 2008 - Balneotherapy In Elderly Patients Effect On Pain315.0 KiB0
Galzigna Et Al 1998 Thermal Mud-pack As An Anti-inflammatory Treatment155.7 KiB0
Gámiz Et Al - 2009 - Influence Of Water Type And Maturation Time On The443.1 KiB0
Gerencsér Et Al 2010 Ecotoxicological Studies On Hungarian Peloids (medicinal Muds)511.4 KiB1
Gomes And Silva - 2007 - Minerals And Clay Minerals In Medical Geology394.6 KiB0
Gremeaux Et Al - 2012 - Evaluation Of The Benefits Of Low Back Pain Patien197.6 KiB0
Groven 1999 Peat Therapeutics And Balneotherapy12.0 MiB0
Guendling Et Al 2009 Therapeutic Effects Of Mud Packs On Joint Ailment And Quality Of Life From75.3 KiB1
Gutenbrunner Et Al 2010 A Proposal For A Worldwide Definition Of Health Resort Medicine, Balneology,275.9 KiB1
Gündling Et Al 2008 Effectiveness Of Cold Mud Packs On Venous Disorders And Quality Of Life In37.9 KiB0
Güngen Et Al - 2011 - The Effect Of Mud Pack Therapy On Serum YKL-40 And116.3 KiB0
Halevy Et Al 1997 Dead Sea Bath Salt For The Treatment Of Psoriasis Vulgaris2.0 MiB0
Harari - 2012 - La Belleza No Está Sólo En La Superficie De La Pie316.5 KiB0
Hark 1966 Sissesoolatud Humisool1.1 MiB0
Haslauer Why Peat Therapy112.2 KiB0
Heinsalu 2010 Haapsalu Meremuda Ja Selle Kasutamine Ravimudana687.2 KiB2
Hexsel Et Al - 2009 - A Validated Photonumeric Cellulite Severity Scale299.5 KiB0
Hinnang 6päevasele Sanatoorsele Ravile 2002855.6 KiB0
Ho Et Al - 2003 - Humic Acid Mediates Iron Release From Ferritin And340.4 KiB0
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Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 1736.8 KiB0
Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 21.4 MiB0
Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 31.1 MiB0
Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 4677.0 KiB0
Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 5880.3 KiB0
Ilomets 1990 Eesti Ravimudad, Maailma Unikaalne Loodusvara 6495.1 KiB0
Ilomets 1990 Vaikus Muda ümber814.4 KiB0
Ioannidis Et Al - 1999 - Influence Of Fulvic Acid On The Collagen Secretion170.7 KiB0
Isabelcarretero And Lagaly - 2007 - Clays And Health An Introduction101.4 KiB0
Jokić Et Al 2010 Oxidative Stress, Hemoglobin Content, Superoxide Dismutase And Catalase487.2 KiB0
Jooné And Van Rensburg - 2004 - An In Vitro Investigation Of The Anti-inflammatory114.9 KiB0
Junek Et Al - 2009 - Bimodal Effect Of Humic Acids On The LPS-induced T265.1 KiB0
Jurcsik 1994 Possibilities Of Applying Humic Acids In Medicine (wound Healing And Cancer4.4 MiB0
Kahle Et Al 2002 Review Of XRD-based Quantitative Analyses Of Clay Minerals In Soils182.1 KiB0
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Karagülle Et Al - 2007 - A 10-day Course Of SPA Therapy Is Beneficial For P191.7 KiB0
Kask - 1981 - Haapsalu, Voosi Ja Suurlahe Tervismuda Iseloomust4.6 MiB0
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Katz Et Al - 2012 - Scientific Evidence Of The Therapeutic Effects Of201.2 KiB0
Kazandjieva Et Al - 2008 - Climatotherapy Of Psoriasis183.8 KiB0
Khan Et Al - 2010 - Treatment Of Cellulite245.5 KiB0
Khlaifat Et Al 2010 Physical And Chemical Characterization Of Dead Sea Mud821.6 KiB0
Kikas Et Al 2001 A Case Study Of The Impact Of Boundary Layer Aerosol Size Distribution On The224.1 KiB0
Kılıçoğlu Et Al 2010 Effect Of Balneotherapy On Temporospatial Gait Characteristics Of Patients With366.5 KiB0
Klöcking And Helbig - 1991 - Interaction Of Humic Acids And Humic-acid-like Pol55.8 KiB0
Klöcking And Helbig - 2005 - Medical Aspects And Applications Of Humic Substanc337.7 KiB0
Klöcking Et Al - 2002 - Anti-HSV-1 Activity Of Synthetic Humic Acid-like P207.1 KiB0
Kleb Et Al - 1999 - Peat Exploration For Medical Use387.1 KiB0
Knõsh 2004 Turvas, Sapropeel Ja Tervisemuda918.3 KiB0
Konkoly Thege - HUMIFULVATE471.7 KiB0
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Krzemiński Et Al - 2005 - Angiogenesis And Cardioprotection After TNFα-induc381.9 KiB0
Kübler - 1991 - Differential Inhibitory Effects Of Humic Acids On60.9 KiB0
Lago Et Al - 2008 - A New Player In Cartilage Homeostasis Adiponectin453.5 KiB0
Lauche Et Al 2013 Effectiveness Of Home-Based Cupping Massage Compared To Progressive Muscle296.6 KiB0
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Lebedeva 200531.2 KiB0
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Lee 1999186.8 KiB0
Legido Et Al 2007 Comparative Study Of The Cooling Rates Of Bentonite, Sepiolite And Common Clays1.1 MiB0
Leonova Et Al 2011 Biogenic Contribution Of Minor Elements To Organic Matter Of Recent Lacustrine834.3 KiB0
Lepisto 1967 Muda Ei Maksa Midagi1.1 MiB1
Lepisto 1970 Autoritunnistuse Nr674.0 KiB1
Li Et Al 2012 Integrated Assessment Of Heavy Metal Contamination In Sediments From A Coastal475.0 KiB0
López-Galindo Et Al 2007 Compositional, Technical And Safety Specifications Of Clays To Be Used As233.8 KiB0
Maraver Et Al 2011 Is Thalassotherapy Simply A Type Of Climatotherapy64.6 KiB0
Marazziti Et Al - 2007 - Thermal Balneotherapy Induces Changes Of The Plate118.1 KiB0
Mascolo Et Al 1999 Characterization Of Toxic Elements In Clays For Human Healing Use194.6 KiB0
Mascolo Et Al 2004 In Vivo Experimental Data On The Mobility Of Hazardous Chemical Elements From152.2 KiB0
Matsumoto Et Al - 2011 - Effects Of Thermal Therapy Combining Sauna Therapy155.3 KiB0
Matz Et Al - 2003 - Balneotherapy In Dermatology125.1 KiB0
Meyers 2003 Applications Of Organic Geochemistry To Paleolimnological Reconstructions553.0 KiB0
Mihelčić Et Al - 2011 - Physico-chemical Characteristics Of The Peloid Mud125.6 KiB0
Miko Et Al - 2007 - Anthropogenic Influence On Trace Element Geochemis425.2 KiB0
Milačič Et Al 2012 Environmental Impact Of Toxic Elements In Red Mud Studied By Fractionation And664.9 KiB0
Millikan 2000 Unapproved Treatments Or Indications In Dermatology178.6 KiB0
Millikan 2002 Complementary Medicine In Dermatology69.0 KiB0
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Nasermoaddeli And Kagamimori - 2005 - Balneotherapy In Medicine A Review166.0 KiB0
Nguyen Et Al - 1997 - Prolonged Effects Of 3 Week Therapy In A Spa Resor465.0 KiB0
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Obmiñska-Domoradzka And Stefañska-Joñca - 2001 - The Effect Of A Peat-based Preparation On Mitogen-344.1 KiB0
Odabasi Et Al - 2007 - Lipophilic Components Of Different Therapeutic Mud53.1 KiB0
Odabasi Et Al - 2008 - Does Mud Pack Treatment Have Any Chemical Effect98.4 KiB1
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Orru Et Al 2011 Chemical Properties Of Peat In Three Peatlands With Balneological Potential In442.1 KiB0
Orru Et Al 2007 Eesti Turba Balneoloogiliste Kasutamisvõimaluste Uuring (III Etapp)11.5 MiB1
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Otto Haydel 2013 Exchangeable Ions Are Responsible For The In Vitro Antibacterial Properties Of1.6 MiB0
Oumeish 1999 Traditional Arabic Medicine In Dermatology187.4 KiB0
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Pant Et Al - Shilajit A Humic Matter Panacea For Cancer356.8 KiB0
Pasvanoğlu 2012 Hydrogeochemical Study Of The Thermal And Mineralized Waters Of The Banaz764.0 KiB0
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Pena-Mendez Et Al 2005 Humic Substances – Compounds Of Still Unknown Structure163.9 KiB0
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Pillai Et Al - 2011 - Favorable Preliminary Results Using TLIATG-based98.2 KiB0
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Poensin Et Al 2003 Effects Of Mud Pack Treatment On Skin Microcirculation113.9 KiB0
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Rebelo Et Al - 2011 - Characterization Of Portuguese Geological Material457.7 KiB0
Rebelo Et Al 2011 Rheological And Thermal Characterization Of Peloids Made Of Selected Portuguese1.1 MiB0
Riede Et Al - 1992 - Collagen Stabilization Induced By Natural Humic Su112.5 KiB0
Rizo Et Al 2013 Radioactivity Levels And Radiation Hazard Of Healing Mud From San Diego River,348.2 KiB0
Rosa Et Al 2002 Extraction And Exchange Behavior Of Metal Species In Therapeutically Applied272.4 KiB0
Schepetkin Et Al - 2002 - Medical Drugs From Humus Matter Focus On Mumie194.1 KiB0
Schepetkin Et Al - 2003 - Characterization And Biological Activities Of Humi356.6 KiB0
Schlossmann - 1939 - Estonian Curative Sea-Muds And Seaside Health Reso63.8 MiB2
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Smiljanić Et Al 2011 Study Of Factors Affecting Ni2+ Immobilization Efficiency By Temperature495.8 KiB0
Suarez Et Al 2011 Identification Of Organic Compounds In San Diego De Los Banos Peloid (Pinar Del1.8 MiB0
Suárez Et Al - 2010 - Analysis Of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds In San271.4 KiB0
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Sukenik Et Al 1990 Sulphur Bath And Mud Pack Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis At The Dead Sea731.8 KiB0
Summa Tateo 1998 The Use Of Pelitic Raw Materials In Thermal Centres596.0 KiB0
Summa Tateo 1999 Geochemistry Of Two Peats Suitable For Medical Uses And Their Behaviour During268.3 KiB0
Sutlovic Et Al - 2008 - Interaction Of Humic Acids With Human DNA Propose379.9 KiB0
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Tămăşan Et Al 2010 Textural Properties Of The Medical Algo Clay As Influenced By Calcination777.9 KiB0
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Tateo Et Al 2009 The In-vitro Percutaneous Migration Of Chemical Elements From A Thermal Mud For567.8 KiB0
Tateo Et Al 2010 Short-term And Long-term Maturation Of Different Clays For Pelotherapy In An912.1 KiB0
Tefner Et Al - 2011 - The Effect Of Spa Therapy In Chronic Low Back Pain77.4 KiB0
Tefner Et Al 2012 The Effect Of Spa Therapy In Chronic Low Back Pain227.2 KiB0
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Terhorst Et Al - 2011 - Complementary And Alternative Medicine In The Trea404.6 KiB0
Terry Et Al 2012 An Overview Of Systematic Reviews Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine For199.5 KiB0
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Tserenpil Et Al - 2010 - Organic Matters In Healing Muds From Mongolia291.3 KiB0
Tubergen Linden 2002 A Brief History Of Spa Therapy121.1 KiB0
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Ut Pk 121.5 MiB0
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Ut Pk 141.2 MiB0
Ut Pk 1514.2 MiB1
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Ut Pk 17349.7 KiB0
Ut Pk 18284.7 KiB0
Ut Pk 192.0 MiB1
Ut Pk 20400.1 KiB1
Ut Pk 212.3 MiB0
Ut Pk 221.9 MiB0
Ut Pk 232.8 MiB0
Ut Pk 241.5 MiB0
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Ut Pk 266.5 MiB0
Ut Pk 271.9 MiB0
Ut Pk 281.1 MiB0
Ut Pk 29422.7 KiB0
Ut Pk 3012.6 MiB0
Ut Pk 3115.9 MiB0
Ut Pk 3217.5 MiB0
Ut Pk 3315.2 MiB0
Ut Pk 343.6 MiB0
Ut Pk 3516.7 MiB0
Ut Pk 3625.4 MiB0
Ut Pk 3721.8 MiB0
Ut Pk 382.4 MiB0
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Veniale Et Al 2004 Formulation Of Muds For Pelotherapy433.9 KiB0
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Voronkov Et Al - 2009 - Chemical Composition Of Peloids From Gurvan Nuur M124.6 KiB0
Vreca Dolenec 2005 Geochemical Estimation Of Copper Contamination In The Healing Mud From Makirina350.3 KiB0
Wang Et Al - 1997 - Characterization And Comparison Of Five Fulvic Aci528.2 KiB0
Wang Et Al 1996 Interaction Between Fulvic Acid Of Different Origins And Active Oxygen Radicals1.7 MiB0
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Übner And Lopp - 2002 - Properties Of Humic Substances From The Mud Of The716.2 KiB0
Übner Et Al 2004 Electrophoretic Aggregation Of Humic Acid204.3 KiB0
Übner Et Al 2004 Interactions Of Pb2+ With Fulvic Acid By Electrophoretically Mediated97.4 KiB0
Übner Et Al 2004 Properties Of Humic Substances From The Baltic Sea And Lake Ermistu Mud1.3 MiB0
Übner Et Al 2007 Supression Of Solute-wall Interactions In Humic Acid Capillary Electrophoretic315.9 KiB0
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Yilmaz Et Al - 2004 - Comparison Of A Generic And A Disease Specific Qua91.5 KiB0
Yurtkuran Et Al - 2005 - Improvement Of The Clinical Outcome In Ankylosing189.8 KiB0
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